Classes and Seminars
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Room 351E
Texas Cosmetology Sanitation, Laws & Rules
Sunday | 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
1 CE HOUR - Cosmetologists & Instructor - COST $20

Dr. Lakeishia Perry
Are you Renewing your license? Do you need to be brushed up on the Laws of Texas Licensing and Regulation? Come join us, stay updated and current with the law and rules of Texas Cosmetology. For just 1 hour, we will captivate your mind while keeping you in the "know how" with Sanitation, Laws and Rules approved by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR).
Come Join Dr. Lakeishia Perry and the Russell Chew's Hair Affair team as we give you the "Secrets" to refresh and update your current knowledge.
Room 351E
What’s in Your Toolbox?
Sunday | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
3 CE HOUR - Cosmetologists & Instructor - COST $45

Dr. Lakeishia Perry
New Spirit New Vision New Energy!!! What if you could work smarter not Harder? Would you like your team and clients to take a double take at your how you have Boost your Beauty Biz?
Let's discover what's your journey to Mastery.
What's in your Toolbox...Top Tech Tools is the class for you.
Come Join Dr. Lakeisha Perry and the Russell Chew's Hair Affair team as we give you the "Secrets" to reboot your image, clientele, and your imagination.
What's in your Tool Box...Top Tech Tools CE Class will give you the power to stay relevant by combining Technology and Techniques in this fun filled interactive course. Learn how to Brand yourself effectively and choosing the correct demonstrations on Social Media, utilizing print photo graphs and videography. What sites and software are available to you without the high cost. And How to implement innovated tools to bring in new clientele while retaining the current clients your servicing.
Room 351F
Clever & Quick Balayage Free Hand and Foil Balayage
Sunday | 12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
COST $195 | 40 Students Max

Sherry Ratay
In this workshop you will learn how to Balayage RIGHT which will help you make more money in less time. No teasing needed as I will help you understand the importance of light and depth balance within the hair: by Celebrity Hair Colorist Sherry Ratay.
- Balayage “free-hand painting”: A step-by-step technique featuring how to transform an ordinary one-dimensional haircolor into a perfectly placed Balayage.
- Balayage “within a foil”: A step-by-step technique featuring how to transform an ordinary one-dimensional haircolor into a perfectly placed Balayage. Understanding when to use Free Hand painting versus Foil. Both Balayage techniques will transform a one-dimensional haircolor into a vivacious perfectly placed Balayage.
Monday, October 28th, 2024
Room 351E
Texas Cosmetology Sanitation, Laws & Rules
Monday | 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
1 CE HOUR - Cosmetologists & Instructor - COST $20

Dr. Lakeishia Perry
Are you Renewing your license? Do you need to be brushed up on the Laws of Texas Licensing and Regulation? Come join us, stay updated and current with the law and rules of Texas Cosmetology. For just 1 hour, we will captivate your mind while keeping you in the "know how" with Sanitation, Laws and Rules approved by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR).
Come Join Dr. Lakeishia Perry and the Russell Chew's Hair Affair team as we give you the "Secrets" to refresh and update your current knowledge.
Room 351E
What’s in Your Toolbox?
Monday | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
3 CE HOUR - Cosmetologists & Instructor - COST $45

Dr. Lakeishia Perry
New Spirit New Vision New Energy!!! What if you could work smarter not Harder? Would you like your team and clients to take a double take at your how you have Boost your Beauty Biz?
Let's discover what's your journey to Mastery.
What's in your Toolbox...Top Tech Tools is the class for you.
Come Join Dr. Perry and the Russell Chew's Hair Affair team as we give you the "Secrets" to reboot your image, clientele, and your imagination.
What's in your Tool Box...Top Tech Tools CE Class will give you the power to stay relevant by combining Technology and Techniques in this fun filled interactive course. Learn how to Brand yourself effectively and choosing the correct demonstrations on Social Media, utilizing print photo graphs and videography. What sites and software are available to you without the high cost. And How to implement innovated tools to bring in new clientele while retaining the current clients your servicing.
Room 351F
Simple but Perfect Root Shadow & Blend
Monday | 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
COST $195 | 40 Students Max

Sherry Ratay
This 90s hairstyle is making a comeback, and for a good reason.
If the term "chunky highlights" & “Money Piece” conjures some rather nightmarish memories of the late nineties when it seemed that striped hair was all the rage… you're not alone. The term itself doesn't exactly sound incredibly appealing. But there's a reason chunky highlights are making a triumphant return in 2023, and it's all about the technique. We will discuss WHY the 90's are trending and pin point the artist and celebrities' that are the trend setters from the 90's. As well as how you can transition this trend to your daily clients that sit in your chair.
Room 352C
Glue-less Wig making 101: Bring your own sewing machine or Look and Learn
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
COST $299 | Bring your own sewing machine
COST $99 | Look and Learn

Chiquetta Clark
Unleash your creative side at our beginner Wig Making Course. This hands on workshop will teach you the art of wig making and our philosophy on crafting fabulous wigs using a sewing machine from scratch. Each participant will receive a certificate of completion, Course syllabus Ebook, Consultation forms, and The Ultimate Wig business Checklist & Hair Vendor Ebook ( $80 value free)
What students will learn: How to conduct a professional Client consultation,Settings on sewing machine used to make a wig, Wig Cap options, Closure placement, wig cap guidelines, How to measure clients head for a glue-less fit , Wig construction, Adjustable band + comb placement, and social media marketing tips.
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Room 342D
Intro to Thricology
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Topics to be covered:
- Hair Loss Facts
- What is Trichology Hair Growth Cycle
- Causes of Hair Loss
- Types of Hair Loss
- Female and Male Pattern Hair Loss
- Alopecia Areata
- Traction Alopecia
- Trichology Scoping for Consultations
- Consultations for Hair Loss
- Advanced Treatment Options for Alopecia
- Laser Treatment for Hair Loss
- Hair Loss Products & Multi-Therapeutic Approach
Room 342E
Understanding Hair Loss: Causes and solutions
Sunday | 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Room 342E
45 Minute Weave
Sunday | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Justin Kace
Learn how to do this quick and easy weaving technique which involve no thread, no braiding, no sewing and no glue. This is a fantastic and quick way to add extra length and volume to your client’s hair.
- Tools and Supplies Needed
- Weft Application Technique
- Maintenance
- Weft Removal
- Marketing Strategies
Room 342F
Clever & Quick Balayage
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Sherry Ratay
This informative setting will teach you the Clever & Quick WHY’S to Balayage. Learn the difference and importance of choosing the proper tools to create the perfect balayage. Hair painting free hand and foil painting, when to choose one technique over the other. No teasing needed as I will help you understand the importance of light and depth balance within the hair.
- Balayage “free-hand painting”: A step-by-step technique featuring how to transform an ordinary one-dimensional haircolor into a perfectly placed Balayage.
- Balayage “within a foil”: A step-by-step technique featuring how to transform an ordinary one-dimensional haircolor into a perfectly placed Balayage. Understanding when to use Free Hand painting versus Foil. Both Balayage techniques will transform a one-dimensional haircolor into a vivacious perfectly placed Balayage.
Room 350A
Kera/RX: Un Nuevo Botox Capilar y Tratamiento de Keratina
Sunday | 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Raven Montano & Ivonne Salinas
El costo promedio de un Tratamiento Alisador de Keratina es de $300. ¡Si realizas UN cliente a la semana, todas las semanas durante un año, eso son casi $20,000! (Ahora multiplica esos resultados por el NÚMERO REAL de clientes que verás cada semana... y estamos hablando de dinero en serio). Gana más $ para ti y tu salón ofreciendo a los clientes el revolucionario nuevo Sistema Alisador de Keratina Keraplasty, una formulación trifásica que espesa/repara el cabello al reemplazar los aminoácidos faltantes en la corteza del cabello, reestructura los enlaces disulfuro para controlar el rizo y mejora la condición del cabello creando una capa protectora de proteínas alrededor del mechón para eliminar el frizz, alisar la cutícula y reducir el tiempo de secado en un 75% o más, ¡todo esto por hasta 4 meses! *Sin Formaldehído/Glicol de Metileno... ni esos olores desagradables que se encuentran en otras líneas de keratina* Después de una breve presentación, los participantes serán guiados paso a paso en la realización del Sistema Alisador de Keratina Keraplasty en una modelo en vivo. Todos los participantes que asistan a esta clase recibirán una certificación que los acredita como Keraplasticianos Certificados.
Room 350A
KERA/RX: A Revolutionary New Hair Botox & Keratin Treatment **FREE Certification Included**
Sunday | 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Jeremiah Sammons & Raven Montano
The average ticket for a Keratin Smoothing Treatment is $300. If you do ONE client a week, every week for a year, that’s almost $20,000! (Now multiply those results by the REAL number of clients you will see each week… and we are talking about some serious money.)
Earn more $$$ for yourself and your salon by offering clients the revolutionary new Keraplasty Keratin Smoothing System, a Triphasic formulation which thickens/repairs hair by replacing amino acids missing from the cortex of the hair, restructures disulfide bonds to control curl, and improves the condition of the hair by creating a protective protein layer around the hair strand to eliminate frizz, smooth the cuticle, and reduce drying time by 75% or more, all for up to 4 months!!! *Without Formaldehyde/Methylene Glycol... or those awful fumes found in other keratin lines*
After a brief presentation, participants will be walked step-by-step on performing the Keraplasty Keratin Smoothing System on a live model. All Participants attending this 2 hour class will receive a certification as listing them as Certified
Room 350A
NudeU: Wax That cl-ASS!
Sunday | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Jeremiah Sammons
Some like it soft… some like it hard. However you like it, NudeU has formulated an amazing line of hard and soft waxes preferred by estheticians around the world, perfect for YOU! Made from natural, high-quality ingredients, our waxes adhere to hair without damaging the skin or leaving irritating residue, guaranteeing excellent results on all areas of the body, including the most sensitive areas, like the bikini, underarms, chest, legs, and face.
Waxing is no longer a “mystery” hidden in the back room of the local beauty salon. People in today’s society have become more open about their personal grooming preferences and the importance of style, physical appearance, and good hygiene.
Room 350A
Perlacolor: At $5.50 a Tube… It’s Time Color Made YOU Money!
Sunday | 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Raven Montano & Jeremiah Sammons
Room 350B
Color Melting Effect
Sunday | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Jcarlos Pimentel
Introduce stylist to a new way of color blending when creating balayage effects by toning over teased hair. This techniques will help stylists avoid lines of demarcation.
- Introduction (5 minutes)
- Proper way of teasing the hair
- How to formulate lightener and treatments together in order to protect the hair during the lightening process.
- Difference between temporary, semi and permanent hair color.
- How to choose colors based on underling pigment residue and how to formulate.
- Color and treatments application.
- Styling products for the perfect finished look.
Room 350B
Pro Wig Installation Course
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Chiquetta Clark
Our look and learn wig install class covers NEW techniques to melt the lace, HD bald cap methods , wig product education and so much more!
Each student that stays to the end of the course receives certificate of completion, raffle to win a free product, and 1 luxury hair vendor.
Room 350C
Catch The Wave Vintage Class
Sunday | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Felecia Marie
Room 350C
Makeup and More
Sunday | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Vicki Lynn
Learn natural to glam make up techniques as well as promoting and building your make up business. Vicki has been in the beauty industry for over 35 years and has lots of tips to share.
Room 350D
The Essentials of Wig Making
Sunday | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Eunice Johnson
Custom wig-making has become very popular in the world of hair replacement. Consumers are no longer able to try on wigs in some stores, therefore, giving custom Wig Maker's an advantage to make more money. First, we must learn the fundamentals of wig making. For example, head measurements -the circumference, cap selection and hair textures selection. This class will also explain the difference between a manually sewn wig and one using a sewing machine. Also, some bonus info on Cranial Prosthesis-Medical Wigs. No sewing experience is necessary!
Room 350D
Sewing Machine Wig Challenges!
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Eunice Johnson
ARE YOU: Experiencing difficulties with your sewing machine while constructing your wigs. Let us troubleshoot.
You will learn the underlying causes of the problem and other potential issues in this class.
This class will enhance your knowledge of your sewing machine and provide you with essential skills to excel in the art of wig making.
Monday, October 28th, 2024
Room 342D
Intro to Thricology
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Topics to be covered:
- Hair Loss Facts
- What is Trichology Hair Growth Cycle
- Causes of Hair Loss
- Types of Hair Loss
- Female and Male Pattern Hair Loss
- Alopecia Areata
- Traction Alopecia
- Trichology Scoping for Consultations
- Consultations for Hair Loss
- Advanced Treatment Options for Alopecia
- Laser Treatment for Hair Loss
- Hair Loss Products & Multi-Therapeutic Approach
Room 342D
Rip Me Out The Plastic, Pixie Brand New
Monday | 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Gary Gereau
Ready to turn commercial hair into a realistic head turning pixie. Where pixies are mastered, thats where the money resides. From learning track placement, tool purpose and thermal tricks you'll be known as a pixie guru that will leave your clients feeling brand new.
Room 342E
Understanding Hair Loss: Causes and solutions
Monday | 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Room 342E
Unlocking the Secrets: How to Loc Straight & Curly Hairs
Monday | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Justin Kace
More people are embracing the ideal of having Locs! However, some find challenges of starting Locs for straight, curly and fine textured hair types. Now is your opportunity to witness and gain knowledge and insight training in our innovative techniques and also discover how these services can increase your revenue and profits.
- Tools & Supplies Needed
- Client Consultations
- Straight Hair Locing Techniques
- Reattaching Broken Locs
- Loc Reconstruction
- Marketing Strategies
Room 342F
Simple steps to the Perfect Root Shadow & Blend
Monday | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sherry Ratay
This informative setting will teach you the SIMPLE WHY’S to the root shadow and blend. Learn the difference and importance of choosing the proper tools to create the blend, when to choose a permanent Color over a demi-permanent color. As well as which tool for the application, bottle or bowl and brush.
- Root Shadow: A step-by-step technique featuring how to soften the blonde closest to the scalp area to create the look of a soft sexy blonde. The transition from one formula to the next to create the continuous look from a darker to lighter shade down the strand of the hair without noticing the color transition. Transform an ordinary foil application into the soft sexy look just by creating a root shadow.
Room 350A
LUMINAE: Too Hot to Be Cool – Achieving Those Icy Blondes
Monday | 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Raven Montano & Jeremiah Sammons
Luminae Haircare is officially declaring 2024 “The Year of White-Blonde hair”. Let’s face it, your clients don’t want “multiple sessions… they want white-blond and they want it “white now”! With the popularity of tiktok, instagram, and selfies, there has been an increased demand for balayage, ombré, fantasy colors, and Platinum Grey… making “extreme lightening” one of the largest income-generating services offered in most salons. Unfortunately, traditional lighteners and blonding techniques are unable to meet the challenge of lifting darker-haired clients to the lightest blondes necessary for today’s most popular looks.
Co-taught by Foilyage Experts Raven Montano and Kathryn Saldivar, this class will teach students the difference between the caramels obtainable through balayage and the ultra-blondes achievable with our fast, fun, and profitable Luminae Foilyage techniques.
Room 350A
Perlacolor: Sí, entendemos español ... y El cabello latino! (En Español)
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Ivonne Salinas & Raven Montano
Room 350A
KERA/RX: A Revolutionary New Hair Botox & Keratin Treatment **FREE Certification Included**
Monday | 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Jeremiah Sammons & Ivonne Salinas
The average ticket for a Keratin Smoothing Treatment is $300. If you do ONE client a week, every week for a year, that’s almost $20,000! (Now multiply those results by the REAL number of clients you will see each week… and we are talking about some serious money.)
Earn more $$$ for yourself and your salon by offering clients the revolutionary new Keraplasty Keratin Smoothing System, a Triphasic formulation which thickens/repairs hair by replacing amino acids missing from the cortex of the hair, restructures disulfide bonds to control curl, and improves the condition of the hair by creating a protective protein layer around the hair strand to eliminate frizz, smooth the cuticle, and reduce drying time by 75% or more, all for up to 4 months!!! *Without Formaldehyde/Methylene Glycol... or those awful fumes found in other keratin lines*
After a brief presentation, participants will be walked step-by-step on performing the Keraplasty Keratin Smoothing System on a live model. All Participants attending this 2 hour class will receive a certification as listing them as Certified
Room 350A
Kera/RX: Un Nuevo Botox Capilar y Tratamiento de Keratina
Monday | 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Raven Montano & Jeremiah Sammons
El costo promedio de un Tratamiento Alisador de Keratina es de $300. ¡Si realizas UN cliente a la semana, todas las semanas durante un año, eso son casi $20,000! (Ahora multiplica esos resultados por el NÚMERO REAL de clientes que verás cada semana... y estamos hablando de dinero en serio). Gana más $ para ti y tu salón ofreciendo a los clientes el revolucionario nuevo Sistema Alisador de Keratina Keraplasty, una formulación trifásica que espesa/repara el cabello al reemplazar los aminoácidos faltantes en la corteza del cabello, reestructura los enlaces disulfuro para controlar el rizo y mejora la condición del cabello creando una capa protectora de proteínas alrededor del mechón para eliminar el frizz, alisar la cutícula y reducir el tiempo de secado en un 75% o más, ¡todo esto por hasta 4 meses! *Sin Formaldehído/Glicol de Metileno... ni esos olores desagradables que se encuentran en otras líneas de keratina* Después de una breve presentación, los participantes serán guiados paso a paso en la realización del Sistema Alisador de Keratina Keraplasty en una modelo en vivo. Todos los participantes que asistan a esta clase recibirán una certificación que los acredita como Keraplasticianos Certificados.
Room 350B
Otoño Invierno
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Mario Altamirano
Aprenderemos técnica fácil y práctica en Ballalage , alturas en decoloración y neutralización.
Room 350C
Versatile Pixie Cut
Monday | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Felecia Marie
Step up your game and allow me to teach you how to execute short hair cuts, while learning how to maximize the versatility of styling short hair by creating multiple styles from one hair cut. Let me guide you on the steps to turn one hair cut into various new trendy pixie cuts & styles. In this class i will be giving you some of my secrets to success as a master short hair stylist.
Room 350C
Cutting with Confidence
Monday | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Vicki Lynn
Vicki Lynn is a precision cutting expert. With confidence by learning advanced as well as basic cutting techniques. From pixies to bobs and more.
Room 350D
Extensions and Wigs!
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Eunice Johnson
Enhance your clients hairstyles with our comprehensive hair weaving class. Gain expertise in making your own tape-in hair extensions, learn wig making skills and discover the process of lace wig ordering. Bonus: Learn how to adjust a ventilated wig base for a more precise fit.
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Room 342A
Nuggets for Networking
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Room 342A
Bride-to-Be Business Basics
Sunday | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

When it comes to booking brides you have to maintain an open line of communication. In this bridal basics class we talk about the consultation process starting with the trial through the contract as well booking the ceremony. Your preparation also includes an array of products for varying skin tones, hair types and textures. Let's dive deeper than just the actual service but focuson how to sell your services
Room 342A
Side Hustle
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Joseph Rene
Let's get inspired with Joseph Rene for Patty's we navigate our careers & wellness after the pandemic, economic challenges & business burnout.
A interactive session, Q&A , business ideas to stay inspired... some give aways will be hosted and a Flash sale at the booth will be hosted
Room 342A
Get Yo Money Mane, Overlooked to Booked
Sunday | 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Gary Gereau
Are you ready to take your salon suites, barbershops or any beauty businesses from Overlooked to Booked With the right strategies and resources youll be able to scale your business, pivot your finances weekly and attract your dream clients unstoppably. Dont leave nothing on the table, Get yo Money Mane.
Room 342B
Writing (Righting) Your Way Through Business
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Shauri Gibson
Room 342B
The Art of Passive Income for the Beauty Industry!
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Candace Walls
Ready to boost your beauty biz? Join The Art of Passive Income and learn how to make money 24/7!
What You’ll Learn:
- Retail Magic: Turn your favorite products into extra cash.
- Networking Fun: Meet awesome people and grow your business.
- Consistency Wins: Keep the money flowing with simple, steady habits.
Why Join?
- Expert Tips: Learn from a beauty pro who has mastered the art!
- Hands-On Fun: Interactive and engaging activities.
- Instant Impact: Start seeing results immediately.
Don’t miss out! Start your journey to financial freedom.
Room 342B
Suite Life 101
Sunday | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Toni Toni
A course designed to educate Artistic Designers (Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist, Nail Technicians & Estheticians) on how to transition from Employee to Entrepreneur. Transform from a suite renter to a Solopreneur. Already renting a Suite, learn how to revamp or scale your business. Class will walk professionals through getting their Dream Business from conception to doors open. Are you an Entrepreneur? Your Plan-Blueprint, Organizing, and Rebuilding Clientele as an Entrepreneur (Branding).
Room 342C
Own it!
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Jane Archie
President of JSpeak Solutions
Standing behind the chair, working in a suite, teaching in school, how do you own the position that you are in? How do you move into your desired position?
This class will touch on the mindset of entrepreneurship and the steps to owning whatever position you are in!
In this one hour class, students will :
- Understand the differences in thinking like an employee vs an employer
- Learn several steps to thinking like an owner
- Discuss and understand owning it, if they are behind the chair, thinking of owning a suite or a school
Room 342C
Transforma tu Salón con Marketing Digital: Claves para atraer más clientes a tu Salón
Sunday | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Edmundo Moch
Descubre cómo el marketing digital puede revolucionar el éxito de tu salón de belleza. En esta clase, te enseñaremos cómo aprovechar plataformas digitales como Instagram, Facebook, y Google para generar mayor visibilidad y atraer más clientes. Aprenderás a crear campañas efectivas y construir una marca sólida en el mundo online. Convierte tus likes en citas. Con estas herramientas, estarás listo para dar el siguiente paso y llevar tu salón al siguiente nivel.
Room 342C
Doubling Your Salon Business in One Year at No Cost to You
Sunday | 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Class Description
Room 350C
Tax Savings and Money Management for the Beauty Industry Professional
Sunday | 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Ivory Mims
This class is designed to assist the professional in the basic understanding of business finance, bookkeeping and Tax planning and preparation. We will share how the IRS rules govern our day to day business lives and what to do as business owners to win inside that structure. We will discuss and define over 300 acceptable deductions to assist the professional in legally lowering their tax liability.
Monday, October 28th, 2024
Room 342B
Suite Life 101
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Toni Toni
A course designed to educate Artistic Designers (Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist, Nail Technicians & Estheticians) on how to transition from Employee to Entrepreneur. Transform from a suite renter to a Solopreneur. Already renting a Suite, learn how to revamp or scale your business. Class will walk professionals through getting their Dream Business from conception to doors open. Are you an Entrepreneur? Your Plan-Blueprint, Organizing, and Rebuilding Clientele as an Entrepreneur (Branding).
Room 342B
The Art of Passive Income for the Beauty Industry!
Monday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Candace Walls
Ready to boost your beauty biz? Join The Art of Passive Income and learn how to make money 24/7!
What You’ll Learn:
- Retail Magic: Turn your favorite products into extra cash.
- Networking Fun: Meet awesome people and grow your business.
- Consistency Wins: Keep the money flowing with simple, steady habits.
Why Join?
- Expert Tips: Learn from a beauty pro who has mastered the art!
- Hands-On Fun: Interactive and engaging activities.
- Instant Impact: Start seeing results immediately.
Don’t miss out! Start your journey to financial freedom.
Room 342C
Own it!
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Jane Archie
President of JSpeak Solutions
Standing behind the chair, working in a suite, teaching in school, how do you own the position that you are in? How do you move into your desired position?
This class will touch on the mindset of entrepreneurship and the steps to owning whatever position you are in!
In this one hour class, students will :
- Understand the differences in thinking like an employee vs an employer
- Learn several steps to thinking like an owner
- Discuss and understand owning it, if they are behind the chair, thinking of owning a suite or a school
Room 342C
Doubling Your Salon Business in One Year at No Cost to You
Monday | 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Equip brand owners with the knowledge and skills needed to dominate the digital age through effective storytelling and strategic content creation on social media platforms.
Unlock the secrets of social media success with our transformative seminar, "Digital Influence: Dominate & Skyrocket Your Social Media." Designed for individuals eager to elevate their digital footprint, this guide is your roadmap to not just participating in the social media landscape, but ruling it.
This seminar dives deep into the art of using digital influence to grow your business in real life.
Whether you're highly experienced, a beginner in the industry, or anyone in between, "Digital Influence" offers you the insider strategies needed to rise above the noise, amplify your message, and create an indelible mark in the digital universe. Get ready to transform your social media from a passive platform into a powerhouse of engagement and clientele building.
Start your journey to social media dominance today!
Room 350C
Tax Savings and Money Management for the Beauty Industry Professional
Monday | 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Ivory Mims
This class is designed to assist the professional in the basic understanding of business finance, bookkeeping and Tax planning and preparation. We will share how the IRS rules govern our day to day business lives and what to do as business owners to win inside that structure. We will discuss and define over 300 acceptable deductions to assist the professional in legally lowering their tax liability.
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Booth 710
Free Class with Purchase of 1Eyelash Extension Volume Kit $150
Sunday | 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Christina Dao
Booth 710
Free Class with Purchase of 1Eyelash Extension Volume Kit $150
Sunday | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Christina Dao
Room 350F
Learn How to Earn Big $$$ Removing All Types of Skin Imperfections and Fibroblasting
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Cha Smith
Room 350F
Remix Your Career & Life: Lessons Learned Through Soap Making
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Priscilla Mensah
In any professional’s life, they have to determine the right course of action that will lead them to their purpose. Come along on a journey that shows you the process of taking ordinary raw materials and transforming them in an extraordinary way. The process of soapmaking is directly related to taking your current skills and remixing them on your path to your dream career. Learn the keys to this ancient craft and gain surprising tips that will help you navigate career changes and improve your wellbeing.
Room 350F
Brow Mastery: Shaping the Future of Beauty
Sunday | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.

Kimberly Morfin
Unlock the secrets to creating flawless brows with one of the city’s top brow artists! Designed for beauty professionals looking to stay on top of the latest trends, this session will walk you through the cutting-edge techniques of brow mapping, shaping, lamination, tinting, and restoration.
Watch live demonstrations on advanced brow shaping techniques as an industry expert shows you how to achieve perfectly sculpted brows that keep clients coming back. This class is packed with valuable insights, expert tips, and the latest innovations in brow artistry. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just looking to elevate your offerings, this session will inspire and equip you with the knowledge to excel in the fast-paced world of beauty.
Room 351A
Sugar and Soul Lab and Training; Mastering the Art of Sugar Wax
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Kirby Mcmillian
In this comprehensive class, beauty professionals will be introduced to the art and science of sugar waxing. Attendees will learn everything from the proper sugar wax consistency and application techniques. Whether you're new to sugar waxing or looking to refine your skills, this class will equip you with the knowledge to offer this in-demand service with confidence. Join us for a transformative session that combines expert instruction with real-time practice.
Monday, October 28th, 2024
Booth 710
Free Class with Purchase of 1Eyelash Extension Volume Kit $150
Monday | 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Christina Dao
Booth 710
Free Class with Purchase of 1Eyelash Extension Volume Kit $150
Monday | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Christina Dao
Room 350F
Remix Your Career & Life: Lessons Learned Through Soap Making
Monday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Priscilla Mensah
In any professional’s life, they have to determine the right course of action that will lead them to their purpose. Come along on a journey that shows you the process of taking ordinary raw materials and transforming them in an extraordinary way. The process of soapmaking is directly related to taking your current skills and remixing them on your path to your dream career. Learn the keys to this ancient craft and gain surprising tips that will help you navigate career changes and improve your wellbeing.
Room 350F
Brow Mastery: Shaping the Future of Beauty
Monday | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.

Kimberly Morfin
Unlock the secrets to creating flawless brows with one of the city’s top brow artists! Designed for beauty professionals looking to stay on top of the latest trends, this session will walk you through the cutting-edge techniques of brow mapping, shaping, lamination, tinting, and restoration.
Watch live demonstrations on advanced brow shaping techniques as an industry expert shows you how to achieve perfectly sculpted brows that keep clients coming back. This class is packed with valuable insights, expert tips, and the latest innovations in brow artistry. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just looking to elevate your offerings, this session will inspire and equip you with the knowledge to excel in the fast-paced world of beauty.
Room 350F
Learn How to Earn Big $$$ Removing All Types of Skin Imperfections and Fibroblasting
Monday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Cha Smith
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Room 351C
PodoSafe Pedicare Delux Master
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Paisley Howze
A. Welcome and Introductions
C. Classes Available
1. Introduction to PodoSafe
a. What is PodoSafe
b. Benefits
2. Theory lesson on PodoSafe
3. Explanation of Hyperkeratosis
a. What is Hyperkeratosis?
b. Causes
4. Podiatry Referrals
a. Consultations are always first
b. Doctor notes are required sometimes
5. Diabetic Safe
6. Tips and Reminders
a. Polish
b. Oil usage
c. Psoriasis/Dermatitis/Eczema
7. Prices
a. From 2019- now
8. Step by Step Overview
D. Practical Lesson
E. Q&A
Room 351C
Pedicure Enhancements (Kit Available for Purchase)
Sunday | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Shauri Gibson
You can add pedicure enhancements to your service catalog. Every client wants beautiful feet; this class will help you achieve that through proper service procedures and quality products.
Room 351D
Basic GelX Foundation Course
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Alexis Hyson
- Introduction to Gel-X:
- Nail Prep & Safety:
- Gel-X Application Process:
- Step-by-step instruction on applying Gel-X extensions.
- Finishing:
- Finishing techniques for a professional result.
- FAQs:
- Common mistakes and how to fix them.
Room 351D
Beginner Acrylic Class
Sunday | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Alexis Hyson
- Introduction to Acrylics:
- Essential tools and products for acrylic application.
- Nail Prep & Safety:
- Proper nail preparation for acrylic application.
- Acrylic Application Basics:
- Step-by-step guide to mixing and applying acrylic.
- Techniques for smooth, bubble-free adhesion.
- Shaping & Refining:
- Basic shaping techniques for a natural finish.
- Filing and buffing for a polished look.
- FAQs
- Common beginner mistakes and how to fix them.
Monday, October 28th, 2024
Room 351C
PodoSafe Pedicare Delux Master
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Paisley Howze
A. Welcome and Introductions
C. Classes Available
1. Introduction to PodoSafe
a. What is PodoSafe
b. Benefits
2. Theory lesson on PodoSafe
3. Explanation of Hyperkeratosis
a. What is Hyperkeratosis?
b. Causes
4. Podiatry Referrals
a. Consultations are always first
b. Doctor notes are required sometimes
5. Diabetic Safe
6. Tips and Reminders
a. Polish
b. Oil usage
c. Psoriasis/Dermatitis/Eczema
7. Prices
a. From 2019- now
8. Step by Step Overview
D. Practical Lesson
E. Q&A
Room 351C
Waterless Pedicuring (Kit Available for Purchase)
Sunday | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Shauri Gibson
Could you introduce luxury pedicures to your clients with the costly overhead required to have pedicuring in your salon? This class brings waterless pedicure services to the forefront and reveals how pedicuring can be achieved with quality products and equipment that won't break the bank. Say yes to pedicuring and expanding your menu.
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Room 352E
Mastering the Art of Barbering
Sunday | 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Tony Ortiz
T.O. Barber Studio
Join us for a unique and exciting opportunity to learn the timeless craft of barbering in our "Mastering the Art of Barbering" class. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills or someone who's passionate about starting a career in barbering, this class is designed to take you on a journey through the world of classic and contemporary barbering techniques.
What You'll Learn:
- Traditional Barbering Techniques: Explore the foundations of barbering, including precise scissor work, straight razor shaving, and beard grooming. Learn the art of creating traditional, timeless hairstyles.
- Modern Men's Grooming: Stay ahead of the latest trends in men's hairstyling and grooming. Discover the secrets to creating stylish fades, tapers, and other contemporary looks that are in demand today.
- Client Communication: Understand the importance of effective communication with clients. Learn how to assess their needs and preferences to provide personalized and exceptional service.
- Tools and Equipment: Get hands-on experience with the tools of the trade, from clippers and trimmers to straight razors and shears. Learn how to maintain and use them safely.
- Hygiene and Sanitation: Discover best practices for maintaining a clean and hygienic barbering environment. Ensure the safety and well-being of your clients.
- Business and Marketing: Gain insights into building a successful barbering career. Learn about client retention, marketing strategies, and the business side of barbering.
Room 352E
The Art of the Picture Perfect look without a filter
Sunday | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Bobby Harris
This class you will equip you with the knowledge needed to achieve clean crisp lines and the eye for details. While recapping the usage of basic barbering skills and learning to implement advanced techniques that will upgrade your skill set, clientele, service menu and income. By Creating The Picture Perfect Look with the usage of color enhancement, and attention to detail it will take a simple Fade with designs to a picture worthy masterpiece.
● Advance tips and tricks for Fading
● Proper Tool selection
● Clipper & Razor Techniques
● Color Enhancement Techniques
● Guard Choice & Free Hand Cutting
● Creating the image and illusions
Room 352E
Mastering the Art of Barbering
Sunday | 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Tony Ortiz
T.O. Barber Studio
Join us for a unique and exciting opportunity to learn the timeless craft of barbering in our "Mastering the Art of Barbering" class. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills or someone who's passionate about starting a career in barbering, this class is designed to take you on a journey through the world of classic and contemporary barbering techniques.
What You'll Learn:
- Traditional Barbering Techniques: Explore the foundations of barbering, including precise scissor work, straight razor shaving, and beard grooming. Learn the art of creating traditional, timeless hairstyles.
- Modern Men's Grooming: Stay ahead of the latest trends in men's hairstyling and grooming. Discover the secrets to creating stylish fades, tapers, and other contemporary looks that are in demand today.
- Client Communication: Understand the importance of effective communication with clients. Learn how to assess their needs and preferences to provide personalized and exceptional service.
- Tools and Equipment: Get hands-on experience with the tools of the trade, from clippers and trimmers to straight razors and shears. Learn how to maintain and use them safely.
- Hygiene and Sanitation: Discover best practices for maintaining a clean and hygienic barbering environment. Ensure the safety and well-being of your clients.
- Business and Marketing: Gain insights into building a successful barbering career. Learn about client retention, marketing strategies, and the business side of barbering.
Room 352F
Keeping minds razor sharp
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Chase Babcock
Class outline:
- Will be telling my story and how barbering has impacted and changed my life.
- Discuss marketing techniques
- Cutting techniques
- Shop ownership
- Communication and leadership
Room 352F
3 Step Fading Technique
Sunday | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Ivan Nacianceno
Class description